” It Actually Feels like you’re actual partners unlike most agencies “
” I don’t need to micromanage anything. They handle everything and send me a report on KPIs “
” Responsive and Always Awake in case of any problems. Which I really Like “
” My Email Revenue has grown exponentially since we started. “
We offer flexible options based on the brand’s size and goals, including a retainer or fully performance-based payment choices. We have Clients paying us as little as $2,500/m to paying us $8,500/m. We would recommend getting on a call for us to get a better understanding of your brand so that we don’t over quote you.
We finish our audit, research, and planning within the first 4 days. You will get your Email Flows set up within 2 weeks and if you wish, your campaigns will be sent within 4 days of signing the contract.
Unlike most agencies, we don’t outsource our work to Third World freelancers. We have a in-house team that meet and work regularly so that there’s no compromise on the quality that you’re getting.
We offer a 100% Guarantee if you don’t see any return within 2 months. And we’ll also send you another $1000 for wasting your time. However, there will be a small Refundable Upfront Fee to get your commitment
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